Harnessing The Power Of Light To Purify Your World

Ultra Violet-C light (UVC) has proven 99% effective against the threat from many well known pathogens, including COVID. Dating back to 1877, the first scientific study confirmed UVC light has powerful disinfection properties. This special light in the 200-280nm UltraViolet spectrum damages pathogen DNA, rendering bacteria, viruses and mold unable to reproduce. Free of charge, we will analyze and provide a custom recommendation based on your organizational needs.

Endorsed By The World's Health Authorities

Pathogens can quickly and easily be eradicated  purifying your space with our state-of-the-art UVC lighting solutions. Designed to continuously, silently, automate sanitation, our systems fit easily into any environment, ensuring safety and peace of mind without the need for chemicals and costly time-consuming repetitive manual labor.

The Ultimate Purifier



With UVCpros, antiquated cleaning methods are a thing of the past. No more reliance on chemical agents and manual scrubbing. Our advanced UVC technology offers a leap forward in cleanliness, enabling businesses to enhance their sanitation protocols effortlessly around the clock. Our systems deliver a high-grade, automated solution, propelling your hygiene practices into a new era of efficiency and effectiveness.


Why Us

Trusted Expertise

For over two decades UVCpros, a subsidiary of Spiritel Inc., has proudly served as a trusted advisor to enterprise businesses. Our mission is to empower, transform and provide steadfast support through innovative technology and cost-effective solutions.

Scientifically Proven

With years of dedicated research and development, our UVC systems are not just effective, they're engineered to be a reliable component of your health and safety strategy.

Our solutions are backed by rigorous testing at the world's top laboratories and endorsed by the major healthcare agencies, WHO, CDC, EPA, etc., ensuring that your product has proven its effectiveness time and again.

Interested In specific Efficacy Studies or Research Papers? Just let us know and we'll provide verified supporting documentation.


Your satisfaction is at the core of our mission. From detailed consultations to customized installation, we prioritize your needs to deliver a seamless, worry-free experience.

Ease Of Installation
Scalable System
Customizable Tools

Seamless Solutions for Critical

Our dedicated technical team will conduct a thorough review of your application, considering factors such as room dimensions, occupancy and activity level. This analysis will allow us to tailor a bespoke UV-C solution precisely suited to your site’s unique requirements. Rest assured, each recommendation is meticulously crafted to ensure optimal performance and effectiveness for your space.